Taking a picture with my colleague and some of our former nursing students from University of Rwanda.
Assisting Student struggling with critical thinking.
Team based learning: A structured form of small-group learning that emphasizes student preparation out of class and application of knowledge in class.
HRH Clinical Educators teaching assessments at the bedside using stethescopes donated by the University of Ilinois at Chicago.
Clinical Instructor getting updates from students regarding their patient care for the day.
Ward nurse taking time to the teach nursing students as she takes care of her patients.
End of Clinical Rotation.
Another end of clinical rotation. It's always rewarding to see nursing students enjoying their learning process and grasping the advanced concepts.
I was privileged to have these wonderful Nuns as my nursing students. They exuded calmness and grace but more importantly showed respect to everyone they encountered. The patients loved having them as their student nurse.
In addition to teaching at one of the teaching/referral hospitals in Kigali, we also taught at a nursing school in Kibungo outside of Kigali.
On the bottom left corner, I am teaching a nursing student in Rwanda how to use a stethescope to assess a patient.